Mailing List Rebooted

I spent an enormous amount of time over the past several days rebooting my mailing list. Several years ago, before the pandemic and my personal drama, I was building a decent list of readers on MailChimp. With the troubles and the rework, however, it had become covered in metaphorical cobwebs.

Now, though, with my old books revamped and new books rolling out and new work in the pipeline, it’s time to restart the mailing list. Best practices and tools have changed significantly over the past few years, however, so it was a lot of work. It isn’t done quite yet, as some parts will take several days or weeks, but now the list and reader magnet systems have been migrated over to MailerLite and BookFunnel. It’s starting to look pretty good.

Side note: if you sign up for my mailing list at this BookFunnel page, you’ll get a free copy of Zombies Versus Comicon. Sweet!

The new system also enables direct sales, as well as interesting promotions, which I expect to have going in the next few days. Make sure you’re on the list!

[mailerlite_form form_id=2]

Spring Rains Kickstarter off to a great start

Despite my wonky start (first time), the Spring Rains Kickstarter approached half its funding goal on its first day. Thank you for the support!

If you know someone who enjoys good pulp fiction, please let them know about this project. The books really are good, and it would be great to hit the funding goal.

Kickstarting Spring Rains

At long last, the next three Victor Storm books are about to be released. Angel of Death, Swamp Monster, and Bad Apples are arriving next week. For the launch, I’ve decided to offer the trilogy of novels together with Winter Kills in a bound trilogy called Spring Rains, and I’ve created a project on Kickstarter to get everything rolling. There has already been great enthusiasm and support, and I’m excited to see how it goes. If you’re interested in fun vigilante stories, you’ll like this. Check it out!

Hello, 2023

I had a great 2022, and I hope everyone else did, too. For 2023, I’m making sure my seat belt is fastened, because I’m starting at a level I’ve never been at before, and it’s going to be a wild ride. Let’s go!

Retiring T.F. Torrey

In the early days, I used the name “Terry F. Torrey” on all my work. That is, after all, my name. I have almost always used my middle initial in my name because, if I don’t, it sounds like Arizona before 1912.

When I first got online (at the end of the last century), it was better for searching and typing in addresses to have short identifiers for people and things. In the interest of brevity, I adopted T.F. Torrey and tftorrey for myself. That was what I was using when I first started publishing, and it’s what I’ve used ever since.

Now, though, I’ve decided to go back to using “Terry F. Torrey” again. With it, people know what to call me when they write or talk to me, and the modern internet doesn’t depend so much on typing things in. It feels like returning to my true self. Plus, it looks better on book covers.

Books you see with my full name are either the revamped and re-released editions I’ve been working on or new releases. Buy them. Books with the old name on them are the old editions. They should not be available in stores anymore, and whatever paper copies exist are now collector’s items.