Hello, Victor Storm

At last, the Spring Rains books created as part of my Kickstarter project have been delivered. There was a bit of a delay for a medical emergency that was not me but occupied a lot of my time, and for some reason the shipping was delayed after the printing, but everything is delivered now.

All the books of the Spring Rains omnibus (Winter Kills, Angel of Death, Swamp Monster, and Bad Apples) have been finally uploaded everywhere. Check them out.

And get ready, because this coming week, from February 26 to March 2, all the Victor Storm books will be on sale everywhere for $2.99 and $3.99. You’ll be able to pick up the whole set for only $13.96. Sweet!

Nothing Found

They said it won’t work

A Kickstarter pro said my Kickstarter won’t work. I don’t have enough social media presence. My mailing list is too small. I don’t have enough Rewards. My genre doesn’t work on Kickstarter. It’s the wrong time.

Is that right? Maybe.

In response, I considered the advice. I can’t change the timing, or the genre, or the size of my social presence. But I can change the rewards. So that I did. I’ve added new discounts for both e-books and print books, and the ability to add more individual print books, and “starter sets” of both e-books and paperbacks.

Will it be enough? I don’t know, but I’m pretty happy with it. If you like books, you should check it out, and tell your friends.



Spring Rains Kickstarter off to a great start

Despite my wonky start (first time), the Spring Rains Kickstarter approached half its funding goal on its first day. Thank you for the support!

If you know someone who enjoys good pulp fiction, please let them know about this project. The books really are good, and it would be great to hit the funding goal.
