Spring Rains Kickstarter Funded

Thanks to readers, friends, and family surely more generous than I deserve, my Kickstarter has funded. I am truly humbled and grateful.

As of this moment, though, it hasn’t ended yet. The Victor Storm stories are fun, and there is still a couple hours left to get in on the action with a pledge for a reward.

If I didn’t have the books right here on another desktop, I might take the offer up myself.

Thank you to everyone who supported, everyone who spread the word, and everyone who simply read the campaign and smiled.

One day left

There’s only one day left of my Kickstarter, and I’m not sure it’s going to make it. I’ll keep pushing, though, but maybe they were right. I don’t know.

One thing I do know, however, is that this has been a good experience. This public effort has forced me to make some decisions and get some things in place that I’ve been struggling with for a while, like my revamped mailing list and direct sales.

And I also know that, regardless of the outcome, SIX more Victor Storm novels are about to hit the market. If the Kickstarter doesn’t get funded, I probably will not do the Spring Rains bundle, but maybe that’s just as well. I can’t wait until all the Victor Storm novels are live and bingeable.

After that, I’ll be pushing to get a new book out every week or two, a goal I can certainly hit. It’s going to be a fun ride.

They said it won’t work

A Kickstarter pro said my Kickstarter won’t work. I don’t have enough social media presence. My mailing list is too small. I don’t have enough Rewards. My genre doesn’t work on Kickstarter. It’s the wrong time.

Is that right? Maybe.

In response, I considered the advice. I can’t change the timing, or the genre, or the size of my social presence. But I can change the rewards. So that I did. I’ve added new discounts for both e-books and print books, and the ability to add more individual print books, and “starter sets” of both e-books and paperbacks.

Will it be enough? I don’t know, but I’m pretty happy with it. If you like books, you should check it out, and tell your friends.



Spring Rains Kickstarter off to a great start

Despite my wonky start (first time), the Spring Rains Kickstarter approached half its funding goal on its first day. Thank you for the support!

If you know someone who enjoys good pulp fiction, please let them know about this project. The books really are good, and it would be great to hit the funding goal.
